
Hack The Boo CTF - Web Challenges

Hack The Boo CTF - Web Challenges

Hack The Boo is the CTF by Hack The Box team on the occasion of Halloween 2022.

Here, are two web challenges i have solved.


Difficulty : Easy

Spookifier View

Input text to see the text in spooky fonts.

After downloading the source code and verifying, we can come to a conclusion that

  1. The fourth font text will not be escaped properly.
  2. The Template().Render() is part of mako template library which is vulnerable to Server Side Template Injection.

A Quick google search for mako payloads to get direct access to os from TemaplteNamespace can be found in PayloadAllTheThings


 {self.module.cache.util.os.popen('cat /flag.txt').read()}

Using the payload in the textbox, we can see the flag.

Spookifier View

Evaluation Deck

Evaluation Deck web UI

The Game

  1. Cards are placed backwards.
  2. You can flip the cards only 8 times.
  3. some cards cause damage to the ghost and some add health to the ghost.
  4. If ghost health is reaches 0, we win, if we run out of tries, we loose.

Burpsuite request UI Capturing the request in Burpsuite

Source Code

code = compile(f'result = {int(current_health)} {operator} {int(attack_power)}',\
 '<string>', 'exec')

By looking at the above code, we can expect that operator variable is vulnerable to Command Injection. we can verify this using burpsuite again.

Burpsuite request UI Request and Response after replacing ‘+’ with ‘+1;1+’

Burpsuite request UI Request and Response after replacing ‘+’ with ‘+1;result = 1;1+’

The above response is proof that we can run python code on the web app server. we simply set the result variable to 1 and we were able to return it in message.


"+1; import os; os.popen('cat /flag.txt').read(); 1+"

+1 and 1+ are used to escape the before and after python variables. The code in-between is used to print out the flag.txt content.

Burpsuite request UI Flag acquired

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